Some Interesting Data of my Trading Sheet of Global Markets

1- CAC is the most profitable market for us on percentage basis. total return in percentage for the yr so far is 51.75%

2- S&P-500 has equal per trade based Profit & loss ratio, 9 were profitable and 9 were losing trades. total trades done so far in yr 2011 were 18.

3- On S&P-500 Trading, we are siting on highest point profit in our recent position, both on point basis & percentage as well. 68 point & 5.33% profit highest in trading sheet so far in single trade, for the yr 2011.

4- FTSE, we recently covered whole losses of this 2011 yr and now in net profit. proven as poor performer market.

5- DOW is under performer market for us on percentage basis. total return aggregated for yr 2011 so far is 15.38%. however, trading theory for DOW is diff with all other global markets.

6- On DOW, in our recent trade, we earning the highest points of profit based upon single trade, 567 point profit in recent long trade.

7- S&P CNX-500 NIFTY is top largest profitable market for us on point basis, total net point earned in the yr 2011 so far is 2244. on another hand, the total 12 trades were done in the yr of 2011 so far.